Disgruntled Employee?

Where I work we have cubicles thus there is no privacy at all, what-so-ever.  I about sneezed coffee out my nose last week when someone walked by having a fairly serious conversation and asked “Do you ever feel like when you are here you are stuck in...

What to blog about…

I’ve decided that I work too much to blog about anything interesting.  Thank goodness camping season starts this month!  We’re hoping to go camping at the end of April with a gang of friends at Green River…should be a good time!  I haven’t been...
Photography Hobby = Blogs of Photos

Photography Hobby = Blogs of Photos

So now that the weather is trying to get nice it’s high time to break out the camera for some wildlife shots.  I’ve been capturing photos of our backyard habitat critters for the last year or so and finally decided it was high time to get a good wildlife...

Snow! And an Elbow Update

It’s snowing! And not just the piddly little 1 -2 inches we usually get either! The current prediction is 8 – 12 inches by tomorrow morning for us here in the Louisville area. This started out as 3 – 4 inches and has been growing steadily. I...
Photoshop Users Conference

Photoshop Users Conference

Woohoo! Lookie what I get to go to in May!And better yet, my company is paying for it so it’s free!!! I love photoshop and have dabbled with it for many, many years. This will be the first time I get some formal training for the advanced levels and I’m...
Photoshop Users Conference

Elbow Prettiness

This is what a broken elbow looks like one week after the incident. Nice swelling with no indication of an elbow being under there – this is actually an improvement from 5 days ago. Amazingly enough, my elbow never hit the floor when I fell, rather I caught...