Last week my little Lois Lane  (aka Lois Pain, Loley, LoLo) became drastically ill.  Upon taking her to the vet they determined that she was having pancreas issues.  Her blood levels were testing through the roof and she could not hold down food or the smallest bit of water.   Unfortunately during this time we had a planned annual vacation with the family at the beach in North Carolina.  Due to her condition, Jason chose to stay home and let Portia and I continue on to the vacation destination with my family while he stayed behind to care for Lois.

After a second vet visit they wanted to admit her for overnight observation on IV fluids.  That one night turned into five and in turn ended up moving her to a 24 hour vet clinic for round the clock observation.  As of Monday her pancreas and liver levels had stabilized and they began feeding her solid foods and real water.  If she could keep that down she was able to return home today.  All was good, she was keeping all liquids and solids down for 48 hours so Jason was able to pick her up at 4pm today.  Jason picked her up as planned and brought her home.  She’s been home for 6 hours now and has vomited three times in that short period.  At this point we don’t know if this is due to her excitement of being home or if it is a further complication of her pancreatitis.  The vet said that if she vomited any more to call them for further instruction.  If she is still vomiting by morning we will call the vet back and take her back in where she will likely require a feeding tube to get the nutrients she needs to survive.  I pray that this is not the case and that she is just so excited to be home that she is working herself up a bit too much.  Tonight Jason is going to try to feed her and put her up on the couch with him (which is her normal evening routine) and see if she can calm down a bit.  If by morning she is not better we have a huge decision to make as to keep treating her with a feeding tube or to let her go.  She is only 4 years old and I hope to do anything and everything we can.  Unfortunately this whole ordeal has been very expensive and we can only do so much for her until we run out of finances to realistically help her any further.

Please keep my little Lois Lane in your thoughts and prayers.  She is the best little girl dog I’ve ever known and deserves a second chance at life.  I can’t imagine life without her, especially this early after only having her for 3 years.  She is normally lively, vivacious and a firecracker!  To lose her now, especially when I am 600+ miles away and Jason is caring for her alone, would break my heart.  I’ve already lost one dog when I was out of the state – I don’t want to lose another.  She has to pull through this…