Jun 9, 2021 | Contests and Challenges, Monthly Challenge, RCAD Community
Congratulations to Kerowyyn, the winner of our Discord May Crafty Challenge: Fantasy & Mythical Creatures! She crocheted this fabulous creature based on a pattern by Megan Lapp. The talent in our group blows me away! Want to join in our current craft challenge?...
May 9, 2021 | Contests and Challenges, Monthly Challenge, RCAD Community
Congratulations to AL and Hyperiona, the tied winners of our Discord April Challenge: Puns. Some very punny and cute cross-stitching! Want to join in our current craft challenge? Join Us on Discord! All entries were fabulous and very creative! Take a look! AL Jay Jay...
Mar 30, 2021 | Contests and Challenges, Monthly Challenge, RCAD Community
Congratulations to Hyperiona, the winner of our Discord March Challenge: Plant Life. Beautifully hand embroidered! We will be sharing other entries throughout the week… It was a tough contest! Interested in joining the April Challenge beginning Thursday, April...