Aug 9, 2014 | What's Happening
Laila Bug turned one! We had a small celebration at the park where Laila opened presents and had cake/cupcakes. Luckily the rain held out and we were able to celebrate her first year. My time flies…
Apr 14, 2014 | What's Happening
Laila is growing up so fast! She just turned eight months old and is starting to try to crawl and has a couple of teeth coming in. She’s very interested in everything, very talkative and trying very hard to be mobile! It won’t be long before she’s...
Feb 23, 2014 | What's Happening
Laila is already six months old – where does the time go?! But just look at those beautiful blue eyes! She’s growing so fast. We got a chance to see her on Sunday while visiting with Jason’s family for an afternoon lunch. She’s a happy,...
Dec 20, 2013 | What's Happening
Tuesday Mom, Portia, Laila, Aunt Cindy and I all headed to Liberty to have a girls Christmas with Mama Rosie. Usually the whole family goes, but Mama’s brother has needed her help while he heals from a bad fall so she just didn’t have it in her for a...
Aug 25, 2013 | What's Happening
Laila, Portia and Chris came to visit us this morning while they were out this way. Laila turned 2 weeks old yesterday and is doing awesome. She is the most content, sweetest baby! 🙂