Jun 12, 2015 | Camping, What's Happening
See the entire Dale Hollow photo albumMay 17 – 21, 2015 was our annual spring camping vacation. We had a group of five – Jason and me, Christina & Charlie, and Beth. This year we decided to go to Dale Hollow Lake in Burkesville, Ky since none of us...
Apr 21, 2015 | Camping, What's Happening
This past weekend Jason and I went camping at Big Bone Lick State Park in Union, Kentucky. This was our first trip out with the new (to us) Ameri-Camp fifth wheel camper and our first trip out for 2015.We had perfect weather and had three RV sites with four other...
Dec 4, 2014 | Camping, What's Happening
Yesterday we finally got to pick up our new fifth wheel camper we purchased before the Thanksgiving holiday. We had to wait to bring it home until we were able to get the fifth wheel hitch installed in Big Nasty (our Ford F-350). So now it’s home and in the...
Mar 25, 2014 | Camping, Great Outdoors, What's Happening
This past weekend we joined our friends Charlie & Christina for a last minute camping trip. They were testing out their new RV and wanted to go somewhere close by to test everything out before heading out for upcoming planned trips. They chose to try out 2 Rivers...
Feb 19, 2014 | Camping, Great Outdoors, What's Happening
Today got up to a balmy 60 degrees so I skipped out of work a bit early and opened up the camper. At the end of last season, from our single trip we made, it was quite a mess. We’ve purchased a lot of items for the camper and they all just kind of got thrown...