Temporary Dog Fence

Temporary Dog Fence

While we wait for our new deck to get installed, we decided enough was enough with constantly walking 4 dogs who all needed to go out at different times.  A couple of days ago we installed a temporary dog fence with some deer fencing we found dirt cheap online.  Lois...
New Kitchen in the Works

New Kitchen in the Works

Yesterday Jason and I finally made our decision for the kitchen remodel – we decided to go for the gusto and replace everything.  At first, we were going to sand down and paint the original wood cabinets, however on closer inspection found that they were in a...
Goodbye Tree

Goodbye Tree

A couple of weeks ago we said goodbye to the 200-year-old, 140-foot tree in our front yard.  Did we want to?  Of course not!  But, it was destroying the foundation of the house and once it was cut down, we found that it was actually rotting from the inside out. Do you...