Apr 16, 2014 | Dogs, What's Happening
I <3 Big Mutts magnet + Giant Dawg in the back seat = entertainment watching the people in the cars behind me, especially at red lights. 🙂
Apr 3, 2014 | Dogs, What's Happening
This is what it looks like to give Giant Dawg a pedicure. Jason on the floor with Buddy practically in his lap, on his back and content as a little lark. Meanwhile, Lois Lane waits for the nail clippings to drop, snatching them up and devouring them as quickly as...
Apr 2, 2014 | Dogs, What's Happening
Ahhh, my boys. Such ferocious beasts guarding their yard. Back to back to cover all angles. Ha – they wish! This just ensures they see and bark at every. single. thing. that moves be it leaf, plane, bird or cloud. And bark they do. Luckily our neighbors...
Mar 29, 2014 | Dogs, What's Happening
I love these kinds of wakeup calls on a weekend morning. 🙂
Mar 21, 2014 | Camping, Dogs, What's Happening
We took a last minute camping trip over the weekend and got to try out the XPens for the dogs for the first time ( instead of having them all tangling on everything with leads ). They worked out awesome! As you can see, Giant Dawg was quite content with the...