I don’t often write of book reviews, but this one truly captured my heart!  “The Art of Racing in the Rain” by Garth Stein is utterly amazing!  Particularly if you are a dog lover, as I am.  It’s a story from a very intelligent dog’s point of view who’s goal is to be reincarnated as a human.  It deals with love and loss, family trials and tribulations, and most importantly…love and acceptance.  It makes you think twice about your life, about what you have and what could be, as well as the faithfulness of our wonderful canine companions.  I urge you to read this book!  And if you have or if you do, please comment and share your theories.  I don’t want to say much more for fear of ruining the book….but I highly, highly recommend it!  This one will definitely be on my re-read list.